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PhD Programme in Biology

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The influence of interspecific gene flow on the integrity of mitonuclear coadaptation

Supervisor: dr hab. Maciej Pabijan, prof. UJ (

Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research

Background information:

Proteins encoded by interacting mitochondrial and nuclear genes catalyze essential metabolic processes such as oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. The direct interaction of these proteins requires cooperation between mitonuclear allele combinations. However, the two genomes have different modes of inheritance, recombination and mutation rates. These differences have the potential to coerce reciprocal changes in interacting OXPHOS genes (mitonuclear coadaptation). In hybridizing species, mismatched combinations (mitonuclear incompatibilities), i.e. OXPHOS protein complexes with subunits from both of the parental species, could result in inferior enzymatic performance and reduced fitness of hybrid progeny. Selection for the maintenance of integrity of coadapted mitonuclear gene complexes may have major consequences for local adaptation, reproductive isolation and speciation. However, apart from a few systems, little is known of the role of mitonuclear match and mismatch on speciation. In particular, the extent of mitonuclear coadaptation among closely related species and the dynamics of mitonuclear associations in hybridizing species are not well understood.

The main question to be addressed in the project:

What is the effect of gene flow via hybridization on co-adapted mitonuclear gene complexes? Do co-adapted complexes flow more freely between hybridizing species than other nuclear loci? What is the role of co-adapted mitonuclear complexes in vertebrate speciation? The aim of the PhD project will be an assessment of mitonuclear co-adaptation in hybridizing amphibian/reptile species.

Information on the methods/description of work:

The PhD student will work on at least three frog (Anura: Amphibia) species complexes (for example Hyla arborea/orientalis sp., Rana temporaria/parvipalmata, Bombina bombina/variegata) with a possible extension towards reptiles (Anguis sp., Lacerta sp., Podarcis sp.). A major component of the project will involve labwork and bioinformatics using targeted sequencing approaches (target enrichment, molecular inversion probes) based on gene models from transcriptome/genomic data for each of the species complexes. Genes involved in mitonuclear interactions and a panel of control genes will be sequenced in replicated transects across hybrid zones in the species complexes. Possibility of field work for some species.

Additional information: (eg. Special requirements for the student)

Candidates are expected to have a strong interest in evolutionary biology and a basic knowledge of molecular ecology. Additional funding (NCN scholarship) for the PhD student is available for 1 year.

Place/name of potential foreign collaborator:

CIBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, InBIO Associate Laboratory, University of Porto, Portugal


[1]Gershoni, M., Templeton, A. R., & Mishmar, D. (2009). Mitochondrial bioenergetics as a major motive force of speciation. Bioessays, 31(6), 642-650.

[2]Morales, H. E., Pavlova, A., Amos, N., Major, R., Kilian, A., Greening, C., & Sunnucks, P. (2018). Concordant divergence of mitogenomes and a mitonuclear gene cluster in bird lineages inhabiting different climates. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2(8), 1258.

[3]Hill, G. E. (2019). Mitonuclear ecology. Oxford University Press.

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PhD Programme in Biology

Admission to the PhD Programme in Biology
in the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
language of education: English

The PhD Programme in Biology is carried out in English, in a full-time, eight-semester system. 

This PhD programme covers courses representing various areas of biological sciences, including training in modern methodology and mastering skills useful in professional academic and non-academic careers. Choice of facultative classes and the possibility of gaining credits for courses offered outside of the University ensures flexibility and helps to adjust participation in courses to the individual research plan of the student. 

For everyone who will be accepted for the PhD programme in Biology, a scholarship is guaranteed.

PhD students are recruited for the specific research topics offered by the faculty members. We kindly ask you to follow the recruitment rules described in each competition. 

Each year, PhD students and their advisors/promotors write an individual research plan for a given year. Until the end of four semesters, students’ achievements are evaluated (mid-term evaluation) by the committee. 

Doctoral dissertations are prepared under the supervision of a scientific staff of the Faculty of Biology (members of the Institute of Botany, Institute of Environmental Sciences or Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research). PhD programme in Biology leads to the scientific Doctoral title in the discipline of biology. More information about the programme can be found here.

See also:

Faculty of Biology website.
A subpage dedicated to this education programme.

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How to apply?

  1. Check the admissions schedule.
  2. Read the rules and detailed conditions of admission.
  3. Collect the required documents.
  4. Apply in the Online Application System (IRK).
  5. Take the exam.
  6. Make an enrolment in the Doctoral School.

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Admission schedule

for PhD Programme in Biology education programme

1st round

  • 21. May 2024 – Opening of registration in IRK System
  • 23. June 2024 – Closing of registration in IRK System
  • 28. June – 4. July 2024 – Entrance exams
  • 4. July 2024 – Committee meeting 
  • 8. July 2024 – Announcement of results
  • 9-30. July 2024 – Enrollment to the Doctoral School*
  • 31. July 2024 – Enrolment in the Doctoral School from the reserve list*

*enrollment possible during working hours of Secretariats of the Education Programmes

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Admission limits

  • 1st round – 10 doctoral students

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Secretariat of the Education Programme

mgr inż. Anna Stec

tel.: (0048) 12 664 6752

Head of the Education Programme

dr hab. Joanna Kapusta, prof. UJ

tel.: (0048) 12 664 5206



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The information presented on this subpage applies to admission for the academic year 2024/25. Documents such as admission rules, list of required documents, education programme and others may change in the next admission. Most documents differ for each education programme. Always check the documents on the sub-page of the programme to which you are applying.