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PhD Programme in Biology

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Adapting to environmental challenges via cell size changes: the insect perspective

Supervisor: prof. dr. hab. Marcin Czarnołęski (

Institute of Environmental Sciences

Background information:

The evolution of different body sizes and body plans has been linked to changes in cell size. Despite the fundamental importance of cell size for organ function in the body, the origin of cell size variation between organisms (individuals, sexes, populations, species) is not well understood. According to the theory of optimal cell size (TOCS), cell size is optimised as an adaptation to the environmental context. Central to this theory are the costs and benefits of cell size. Smaller cells have a high capacity to process resources, such as nutrients and oxygen, due to their larger surface-to-volume ratio and shorter intracellular distances. The same principle explains why larger cells are more energy efficient, as a smaller surface area reduces the cost of maintaining the ion gradient across cell membranes. These benefits and costs of cell size should be balanced differently, depending on metabolic demand and resource supply, and thus on environmental conditions. This theory requires further development and empirical testing.

The main question to be addressed in the project:

To what extent does cell size differentiation between organisms occur through systemic and coordinated changes throughout the organism? Or do only certain cell types change, while other tissue types remain unchanged by evolutionary processes? When organisms evolve differences in cell size or respond developmentally to environmental conditions (oxygen, temperature) by changing cell size, do such changes in cell size have consequences for environmental functioning? In the case of ectotherms, do forms with small cells outcompete forms with large cells under warm and hypoxic conditions?

Information on the methods/description of work:

In laboratory experiments and comparative studies, we will conveniently use different models to study differences in cell size, which will include forms of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) with differences in cell size generated by natural evolutionary processes or environmental developmental conditions, as well as different insect taxa with well-defined phylogenetic relationships (across-species comparative data). We will study cell size in different tissue types to characterise phenotypes/genotypes. For cell size fly variants, will perform laboratory experiments with environmental gradients (oxygen, temperature, food availability) to measure different types of physiological performance (e.g. flight, metabolic rate, life history traits) in order to relate physiological performance and life history traits to cell size.

Additional information (e.g Special requirements from the student):

Required: (1) Master's level in a field related to the scope of the project; (2) university level knowledge of ecology, evolution and physiology; (3) general experience and interest in any area of ecology and evolution; (4) basic knowledge of statistics; (5) fluency in English.

Preferred: (1) experience with more complex statistical models (especially in R); (2) experience with physiological measurements, histological methods and/or keeping small invertebrates in the laboratory.

Personality traits: (1) effective communication; (2) interpersonal skills and ability to work well with others; (3) computer literacy and technical skills; (4) problem-solving/creativity; (5) planning and organisational skills; (6) high degree of motivation; (7) reliability, conscientiousness and punctuality; (8) ability to critically evaluate the results obtained; and (9) willingness to actively participate in conferences, festivals and other forms of dissemination of project results and to prepare scientific publications in English at a high international level.

Place/name of potential foreign collaborator:

Prof. W.C.E.P. Verberk, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands


[1] Privalova, V., Sobczyk, Ł., Szlachcic, E., Labecka, A.M., Czarnoleski, M. (2024). Heat tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster is influenced by oxygen conditions and mutations in cell size control pathways. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379, 20220490.

[2] Schramm, B.W., Labecka, A.M., Gudowska, A., Antoł, A., Sikorska, A., Szabla, N., Bauchinger, U., Kozlowski, J., Czarnoleski, M. (2021). Concerted evolution of body mass, cell size and metabolic rate among carabid beetles. Journal of Insect Physiology, 132, 104272.

[3] Verberk, W.C.E.P., Sandker, J.F., van de Pol, I.L.E., Urbina, M.A., Wilson, R.W., McKenzie, D.J., Leiva, F.P. (2022). Body mass and cell size shape the tolerance of fishes to low oxygen in a temperature-dependent manner. Global Change Biology, 28, 5695–5707.

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PhD Programme in Biology

Admission to the PhD Programme in Biology
in the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
language of education: English

The PhD Programme in Biology is carried out in English, in a full-time, eight-semester system. 

This PhD programme covers courses representing various areas of biological sciences, including training in modern methodology and mastering skills useful in professional academic and non-academic careers. Choice of facultative classes and the possibility of gaining credits for courses offered outside of the University ensures flexibility and helps to adjust participation in courses to the individual research plan of the student. 

For everyone who will be accepted for the PhD programme in Biology, a scholarship is guaranteed.

PhD students are recruited for the specific research topics offered by the faculty members. We kindly ask you to follow the recruitment rules described in each competition. 

Each year, PhD students and their advisors/promotors write an individual research plan for a given year. Until the end of four semesters, students’ achievements are evaluated (mid-term evaluation) by the committee. 

Doctoral dissertations are prepared under the supervision of a scientific staff of the Faculty of Biology (members of the Institute of Botany, Institute of Environmental Sciences or Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research). PhD programme in Biology leads to the scientific Doctoral title in the discipline of biology. More information about the programme can be found here.

See also:

Faculty of Biology website.
A subpage dedicated to this education programme.

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How to apply?

  1. Check the admissions schedule.
  2. Read the rules and detailed conditions of admission.
  3. Collect the required documents.
  4. Apply in the Online Application System (IRK).
  5. Take the exam.
  6. Make an enrolment in the Doctoral School.

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Admission schedule

for PhD Programme in Biology education programme

1st round

  • 21. May 2024 – Opening of registration in IRK System
  • 23. June 2024 – Closing of registration in IRK System
  • 28. June – 4. July 2024 – Entrance exams
  • 4. July 2024 – Committee meeting 
  • 8. July 2024 – Announcement of results
  • 9-30. July 2024 – Enrollment to the Doctoral School*
  • 31. July 2024 – Enrolment in the Doctoral School from the reserve list*

*enrollment possible during working hours of Secretariats of the Education Programmes

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Admission limits

  • 1st round – 10 doctoral students

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Secretariat of the Education Programme

mgr inż. Anna Stec

tel.: (0048) 12 664 6752

Head of the Education Programme

dr hab. Joanna Kapusta, prof. UJ

tel.: (0048) 12 664 5206



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The information presented on this subpage applies to admission for the academic year 2024/25. Documents such as admission rules, list of required documents, education programme and others may change in the next admission. Most documents differ for each education programme. Always check the documents on the sub-page of the programme to which you are applying.