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Biomedical Sciences

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J3. The formation of vascular lipid droplets and their lipolysis in age-dependent vascular dysfunction (dr hab. Marta Pacia)

Supervisor: dr hab. Marta Pacia

Project description:

Endothelial cells (ECs) play a crucial role in regulating the transport of lipids from the bloodstream. Under physiological conditions ECs successfully 'buffers' the excess lipids by converting them into lipid droplets (LDs) in postprandial phase, when the body processes and absorbs consumed food. Shortly after being form, LDs are lipolyzed in a process controlled by a set of enzymes and LDs-associated proteins. However, it remains unknown how dysfunctional endothelium copes with postprandial lipid overload. Nowadays, majority of humans consume too much fat-rich food, and for most of the day maintain themselves in the postprandial phase. The endothelium's inability to cope with excess blood lipids is considered a prerequisite for development of endothelial dysfunction followed by cardiovascular diseases.

The ultimate goal of the project is to understand how age-altered endothelium accommodates lipid overload in post prandial phase, and how modulation of LDs lipolysis influences the both temporarily endothelial dysfunction in the postprandial phase and chronic endothelial dysfunction due to age.

This project is interdisciplinary, and its implementation covers the fields of science from the border of biophysics, biochemistry, biology, and medicine.

The doctoral candidate will participate in research activities as part of the project: "Multimodal approach for a comprehensive assessment of (dys)functional endothelial phenotype in isolated blood vessels" (SONATA17 granted to M. Pacia). The research will be conducted at the Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET), Jagiellonian University. The doctoral candidate will collaborate with the team involved in the project's implementation.

Scope of work:

  • isolation and preparation of mouse tissues
  • histological/immunohistochemical staining
  • working with a microscope: fluorescence and Raman
  • ELISA tests

Required professional qualifications:

The PhD student must hold Master's degree in in life sciences or related sciences (chemistry, pharmacy).

The PhD Students should have very good knowledge of English (written and spoken)

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Biomedical Sciences

Admission to the Biomedical Sciences education programme
in the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
language of education: English

PhD Programme in Biomedical Sciences is a programme at the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences the Jagiellonian University in Krakow with a strong inter-disciplinary, international inter-sectoral research and training dimension.

We will recruit early stage researchers (ESRs) in an open call, targeting the most talented and motivated ESRs in the fields of Biological and Medical Sciences. The recruitment process will adhere to the guidelines set in the code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers and the European charter for researchers, ensuring transparency of the recruitment process based on the merit and skills of applicants. The recruitment process will not discriminate applicants based on their personal features.

Training will be focused on the interest and expertise of researchers working at one of the three units: 

The program covers various areas of biology:

  • synthetic,
  • structural,
  • molecular,
  • cellular,
  • developmental

and utilizes plants, viruses, bacteria, invertebrates and vertebrates. The program is also linked to interdisciplinary studies in endothelial biomedicine. 


Our Students offered a place in our PhD programme will obtain a full scholarship funded by the Polish government regardless of nationality.

The applicants are recruited for the specific research topics offered by the potential supervisors. 

We encourage our students to get involved in the broad range of scientific activities of MCB, JCET and Solaris research groups. It is also an excellent opportunity to learn to think across disciplines and build up initial collaborations and cross-disciplinary skill sets.

The programme is run in English in an eight-semester system.

During their studies, our students are expected to attend training courses in transferable and general research skills, participate in the students' and outreach activities, present their work regularly and attend seminars.

See also:

Website of the Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology (MCB)
Website of the Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeuticstion (JCET)
Website of the Nationa Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS
A subpage dedicated to this education programme

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How to apply?

  1. Check the admissions schedule.
  2. Read the rules and detailed conditions of admission.
  3. Collect the required documents.
  4. Apply in the Online Application System (IRK).
  5. Take the exam.
  6. Make an enrolment in the Doctoral School.

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Admission schedule

for Biomedical Sciences Education Programme

1st round

  • 21. May 2024 – Opening of registration in IRK System
  • 12. June 2024 – Closing of registration in IRK System
  • 2-3. July 2024 – Entrance exams
  • 3. July 2024 – Committee meeting 
  • 8. July 2024 – Announcement of results
  • 22-31. July 2024 – Enrollment to the Doctoral School*
  • 1-2. August 2024 – Enrolment in the Doctoral School from the reserve list*

*enrollment possible during working hours of Secretariats of the Education Programmes

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Admission limits

1st round:

  • in Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology (MCB) – 3 doctoral students

  • in Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET) – 4 doctoral students

  • in National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS – 2 doctoral students​

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The information presented on this subpage applies to admission for the academic year 2024/25. Documents such as admission rules, list of required documents, education programme and others may change in the next admission. Most documents differ for each education programme. Always check the documents on the sub-page of the programme to which you are applying.