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>> Program kształcenia - PhD Programme in Biology <<

>> Program kształcenia - PhD Programme in Biology [rok akademicki 2023/2024] <<

The PhD Programme in Biology is carried out in English, in a full-time, eight-semester system. 

This PhD programme covers courses representing various areas of biological sciences, including training in modern methodology and mastering skills useful in professional academic and non-academic careers. Choice of facultative classes and the possibility of gaining credits for courses offered outside of the University ensures flexibility and helps to adjust participation in courses to the individual research plan of the student. 

For everyone who will be accepted for the PhD programme in Biology, a scholarship is guaranteed.

PhD students are recruited for the specific research topics offered by the faculty members. Some of the competitions listed below are held outside the OAS system (Online Application System). We kindly ask you to follow the recruitment rules described in each competition. 

Each year, PhD students and their advisors/promotors write an individual research plan for a given year. Until the end of four semesters, students’ achievements are evaluated (mid-term evaluation) by the committee. 

Doctoral dissertations are prepared under the supervision of a scientific staff of the Faculty of Biology (members of the Institute of Botany, Institute of Environmental Sciences or Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research). PhD programme in Biology leads to the scientific Doctoral title in the discipline of biology. More information about the programme can be found here.

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Lista tematów badawczych oferowanych w 2022 roku

IB – 1: The impact of microplastic and heavy metals on plant cell (Institute of Botany)

IB – 2: Embryology of selected species of Utricularia section Utricularia, with particular emphasis on developmental disorders (Institute of Botany)

IB – 3: Hybridization and introgression processes within populations of feather grasses in lowland and mountain steppes (Institute of Botany)

IB – 4: Regeneration processes in isolated endosperm of selected cultivars of Actinidia arguta (Institute of Botany)

IB – 5: The accumulation rate of essential and trace elements, including heavy metals in usnic acid containing lichen species in the Arctic (Institute of Botany)

INS – 6: The thermoregulation - oxidative stress nexus as driver for avian senescence (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 7: Nutritional ecology of bees: balancing bee nutrient demands and nutrient supply with a diversity of pollen sources (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 8: Genetic drivers of microbiome variation on local and comparative scale (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 9: Selective potential of microbiome variation in a wild bird population (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 10: Climate crisis: a new paradigm for addressing minimization of plastic harm in the era of COVID-19 pandemic (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 11: Correlated responses to multidirectional artificial selection in the bank vole (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 12: The diversity, distribution, and ecological dynamics of insect microbiomes (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 13: Human – wildlife conflicts in urban areas (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 14: The Assessment of interspecific interactions between sympatric carnivores in the Carpathian Mountains (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

INS – 15: Ecological speciation within the Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera) cryptic species complex (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

IZBR – 16: Involvement of gasotransmitter systems in the brain response to seizure activity in animal models of epilepsy (Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research)

IZBR – 17: Expression and role of asprosin/OLFR734 in the regulation of mouse hypothalamus and pituitary cells function (Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research)

IZBR – 18: The diversity and dynamics of insect heritable microbiota (Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research)

IZBR – 19: The neuronal mechanism of the influence of light on motivation and decision making (Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research)

IZBR – 20: The influence of dopamine released in the motor cortex on the acquisition of precise motor skills (Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research)

Polecamy również
Związek pomiędzy zegarem okołodobowym, zanieczyszczeniem światłem i rozwojem choroby Parkinsona – badania na modelu Drosophila melanogaster (dr hab. Milena Damulewicz)

Związek pomiędzy zegarem okołodobowym, zanieczyszczeniem światłem i rozwojem choroby Parkinsona – badania na modelu Drosophila melanogaster (dr hab. Milena Damulewicz)

Wpływ zanieczyszczenia światłem na starzenie układu wzrokowego – badania na modelu Drosophila melanogaster (dr hab. Milena Damulewicz)

Wpływ zanieczyszczenia światłem na starzenie układu wzrokowego – badania na modelu Drosophila melanogaster (dr hab. Milena Damulewicz)

Wpływ starzenia się na temperaturę ciała i wydolność antyoksydacyjną, a tym samym na stres oksydacyjny: brzemię zwierząt heterotermicznych (dr hab. Ulf Bauchinger, prof. UJ)

Wpływ starzenia się na temperaturę ciała i wydolność antyoksydacyjną, a tym samym na stres oksydacyjny: brzemię zwierząt heterotermicznych (dr hab. Ulf Bauchinger, prof. UJ)

Łączny wpływ jednorodnej diety, podwyższonego stężenia dwutlenku węgla w atmosferze i pestycydów, na funkcjonowanie dzikiej pszczoły (dr Zuzanna Filipiak)

Łączny wpływ jednorodnej diety, podwyższonego stężenia dwutlenku węgla w atmosferze i pestycydów, na funkcjonowanie dzikiej pszczoły (dr Zuzanna Filipiak)