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Computer Science (17.08.2021)
Empty promises of Thomas Jerome Schaefer

Pursuant to § 7 sections 1 and 3 of Resolution No. 5/I/2020 of the Senate of the Jagiellonian University of 29 January 2020 on: the rules of recruitment for the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences at the Jagiellonian University in the academic year 2020/2021, the Director of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences announces a competition for 1 doctoral student with a scholarship financed from the research project funds as part of the PhD study programme Computer Science.

The principle investigator of the project is Marcin Kozik ( and detailed information about the position can be found at:

Schedule of the competition:

  • Start of registration: 15.09.2021
  • End of registrattion: 22.09.2021
  • Entrance exams: 23-24.09.2021
  • Announcement of results: no later than 28.09.2021
  • Enrolment: 29.09.2021
  • Enrollment (reserve list): 30.09.2021

Detailed terms and procedures of admission follow the standard PhD admission for program Computer Science at Jagiellonian University which can be found here, with minor changes required by Preludium BIS.

Please send your application documents to the project manager Marcin Kozik at: and upload them into the Online Application System (

Documents required for entry within PhD study programme:

The documents should be loaded directly into the Online Application System (IRK).

  • at least one letter of recommendation issued by a research fellow from a Polish or foreign university (max. 2 A4 pages) - the recommendation letter is loaded into the system by the author;
  • a curriculum vitae (CV) with particular reference to academic achievements (max. 2 A4 pages);
  • documents confirming academic achievements detailed in the curriculum vitae;
  • transcript of grades: diploma supplement or official transcript of grades, and in the absence therefore, a copy of the index book or of another document containing the names of the courses and the grades received, accompanied by information on the grading scale used;
  • description of the proposed subject of the doctoral dissertation, basic literature (max. 2 A4 pages);
  • an opinion of a research fellow holding a scientific title or the academic degree of doctor habilitated on the possibility of supervising the doctoral student in the event of admission to the Doctoral School;
  • Master's thesis or, if not completed, a description of the issues covered, or a BA thesis.

In the event of the persons referred to in Article 186, section 2 of the Act:

  1. two opinions confirming the high quality of their research work and the high level of advancement of such work, issued by: a research fellow holding at least the academic degree of doctor habilitated or being an employee of a foreign higher education institution or a research institution, who has significant achievements in academic issues related to the curriculum or
  2. a certificate of being a beneficiary of the Diamond Grant Programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Any document submitted in a language other than Polish or English must be accompanied by a certified translation into Polish or English.

Documents required for entry:

  • the original OAS application printed out from the system, containing a photograph;
  • a photocopy and the original for inspection of:
    ➢ a diploma certifying the holding of a degree of Master, Master Engineer or equivalent in a field of study from among those indicated in the detailed conditions of recruitment, or
    ➢ a document certifying completion of studies abroad, giving the right to undertake education in the country of its issue in order to obtain the degree of doctor or recognised as equivalent to a relevant Polish diploma confirming second-cycle qualifications;
    ➢ if the candidate has not yet been issued with such a diploma by the closing date for enrolment, he or she shall submit a certificate of completion of such studies and a written undertaking to deliver the diploma conferring the right to take up doctoral studies by the specified deadline;
  • originals of all other documents provided at the registration stage in the form of a scan;
  • for inspection: identity document (passport in case of foreigners).

Higher education diplomas awarded abroad should:

  1. bear an apostille clause if the issuing country is covered by the Convention abolishing the requirement legalisation for foreign public documents, done at The Hague on 5 October 1961 (Journal of Laws of 2005, No. 112, item 938) or
  2. be subjected to legalisation, in other cases.

Any document submitted in a language other than Polish or English must be accompanied by a certified translation into Polish or English.


Each doctoral student, including a foreigner, admitted to the doctoral school is obligatorily subject to health insurance if he/she is not covered by such insurance on other grounds (e.g. employment relationship, contract of mandate, business activity, insured as a family member under 26 years of age, as the spouse of an insured person). The health insurance contribution is paid by the Jagiellonian University and is financed from the State budget. In addition, a doctoral student receiving a doctoral scholarship is subject to compulsory retirement and disability insurance and accident insurance.


A person admitted to the doctoral school begin education and acquire doctoral student rights upon taking the oath. The Department of Personal Affairs reports each doctoral student admitted to the School to compulsory health and social insurance at the commencement of education. Until that time foreign candidates are obliged to cover the costs of insurance for the time of travel, treatment, etc. individually.

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