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Completed calls

Informatyka (3.09.2020)
Optymalizacja i badanie jakości grafów obliczeniowych modelujących procesy ETL-owe

Read More o Informatyka (3.09.2020)
Optymalizacja i badanie jakości grafów obliczeniowych modelujących procesy ETL-owe

Informatyka (3.09.2020)
Analiza obrazów biomedycznych uzyskanych przy pomocy technologii high content screening

Read More o Informatyka (3.09.2020)
Analiza obrazów biomedycznych uzyskanych przy pomocy technologii high content screening

Physics (30.07.2020)
Optimal generalized quantum measurements and their application

Read More o Physics (30.07.2020)
Optimal generalized quantum measurements and their application

PhD Programme in Biology (24.07.2020)
IES-9: Experimental evolution of the thrifty and spendthrift genotypes, and its consequence for susceptibility to adverse effects of ‘Western diet’: insights from a selection experiment on bank voles

Read More o PhD Programme in Biology (24.07.2020)
IES-9: Experimental evolution of the thrifty and spendthrift genotypes, and its consequence for susceptibility to adverse effects of ‘Western diet’: insights from a selection experiment on bank voles

PhD Programme in Biology (24.07.2020)
The role of environmental factors in maintaining adaptive pace-of-life variation in a mammal holobiont: an experimental evolution approach

Read More o PhD Programme in Biology (24.07.2020)
The role of environmental factors in maintaining adaptive pace-of-life variation in a mammal holobiont: an experimental evolution approach