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Computer Science

Computer Science

The Ph. D. programme in computer science offers an opportunity to start a research carrier in many areas of computer science. Each of our students follows an individual study program, attends advanced lectures and conducts research. A student chooses a supervisor (from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science), which advises him and monitors his progress.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is one of the best research groups in computer science in Poland. It employs researchers specializing in various areas of theoretical and applied computer science. Their experience allows students to quickly and efficiently join interesting research projects and work in a dynamic environment.
All of our students receive a scholarship, which increases after a positive mid-term evaluation. Additional funding will be available for the best students.

List of potential PhD advisors

Education programmes:

Education started in the academic year 2024/25
Education started in the academic year 2023/24
Education started in the academic year 2022/23
Education started in the academic years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22

Technical Computer Science

Technical Computer Science

Earth and Environmental Sciences (Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Earth and Environmental Sciences (Earth and Environmental Sciences)

PhD Programme in Biology (Biological Sciences)

PhD Programme in Biology (Biological Sciences)

