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Recruirement 2021/2022 — Physics

Recruitment schedule

Participation in the study programme in physics makes it possible to gain specialist education in physics and to conduct research on the most important issues of contemporary physics. These works are not only of a cognitive nature, but often their results can also find commercial application in modern technologies. Among the studies on physics conducted at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science (WFAiIS) of the Jagiellonian University one can mention the research on classical and quantum field theory, general theory of relativity, statistical physics, chaos problems in classical and quantum physics, quantum information, high energy physics and elementary particle theory, astrophysics, neutrino astronomy, nuclear physics, atomic, molecular and quantum optics, condensed state physics, materials science, phase transition physics, surface physics including nanostructures and nanotechnology physics, high temperature superconductivity, medical and environmental physics, computer physics and others. Many of the studies are carried out in interdisciplinary teams going beyond strictly defined physics.

WFAiIS UJ has the highest scientific category A+, and research is conducted in numerous collaborations with the world's leading scientific centres. The participants of the study programme in physics, conducted in English, are involved in the work of research groups from the beginning, which leads to work in international teams and should result in conference presentations and scientific publications. The education gained during the training and the international contacts fostered are undoubtedly helpful at further stages of one’s scientific career.

During the training, its participants also have the opportunity to acquire knowledge from other departments of physics and other natural sciences, and by conducting classes they develop their skills in passing on knowledge.

Detailed terms and procedures of admission

Required documents

Academic researcher opinion