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Recruitment 2021/2022 – Biophysics

Recruitment schedule

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary PhD study programme, combining elements from the borderline of physics, biology and material engineering in order to best understand the physical processes taking place both at the molecular level and at the interphase boundaries between biomolecules and their surrounding environment. That is why the curriculum of the PhD study programme in Biophysics implemented at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science (WFAiIS) is dedicated to ambitious, inquisitive young researchers who are not afraid of challenges and are open to finding new solutions, also outside their discipline.

Doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in the implementation of various research projects in one of the many research groups active in biophysics. They have at their disposal a wide range of modern experimental techniques such as atomic force microscopy, NMR, mass spectrometry, impedance spectroscopy, fluorescence, Raman, optical pliers or patch-clamping. They can also carry out theoretical projects, modelling biological processes using advanced calculation methods. Thanks to this, the PhD study programme in Biophysics creates a real possibility of an interdisciplinary approach to research issues and obtaining results that not only allow to obtain a doctoral degree but can also be applied in medicine, diagnostics or biomaterial production.

Detailed terms and procedures of admission

Required documents

Academic researcher opinion