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Recruitment 2021/2022 — Astronomy

Recruitment schedule

PhD study in astronomy covers broad range of theoretical and observational research subjects, from analysis of optically variable objects (like accreting binary stars or active galactic nuclei), high energy astrophysics, multiwavelength astronomy, radioastronomy, relativistic astrophysics and cosmology.

Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University participates in ESO, has access to the SALT optical telescope, collaborates in HESS and CTA projects (gamma-ray astrophysics) as well as in the network of LOFAR radio telescopes array, also participate in the VIRGO gravitational waves detector. Our researches use also several world class Earth bound radio (VLA, 100m Effelsberg) and space (Chandra, XMM, Fermi) observatories.

An example set of projects covering some fields you may want study at our Observatory:

  • Research on unveiling the nature of gamma-ray bursts, active galactic nuclei, and other high-energy astrophysical sources through modeling and statistical analyses.
  • Planets around stars at final evolutionary stages i.e. after the red giant or asymptotic giant branch phases, using pulsating and/or close binary stars as the natural clocks and data from space telescopes.
  • Research on classification and studies of physical properties of objects in present and forthcoming large deep sky surveys through a variety of machine learning based methods
  • Studies of the evolution of large scale structure traced by different populations of galaxies, through measurements from the large deep sky surveys and theoretical modelling
  • Study of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the Sun using SOHO and STEREO satellites observations
  • Mathematical research on nonlinear gravitational waves modeled by exact solutions to Einstein equations.
  • Theoretical cosmology: the effect of small scale inhomogeneities.
  • Machine learning to extract the redshifts of Gamma-Ray Bursts. This will give the unprecedented opportunity to help to follow up very interesting objects both at low and high redshift.
  • Gamma Ray Bursts as cosmological standard candles. The plan is to apply the so called fundamental plane for GRB afterglows, as cosmological standard candles with the aim of constrain cosmological parameters together with the measurements of Planck and the SNe Ia.

Potential Supervisors, their Respective Research Areas, and Proposed Thesis Topics

Detailed terms and procedures of admission

Required documents

Academic researcher opinion