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Completed calls

Biomedical Sciences (28.05.2021)
Quantifying evolutionary dynamics of tails in phages infecting bacteria of Klebsiella pneumoniae

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Quantifying evolutionary dynamics of tails in phages infecting bacteria of Klebsiella pneumoniae

PhD Programme in Biology (25.09.2020)
When temperature makes them to panic? The effect of optimals vs. Stressful thermal conditions on the repetability of the performance tests in ectotherms

Read More o PhD Programme in Biology (25.09.2020)
When temperature makes them to panic? The effect of optimals vs. Stressful thermal conditions on the repetability of the performance tests in ectotherms

Biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and biotechnology (21.09.2020)
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of pro-regenerative potential of stem cell- derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) in ischemic myocardial injuries: Role of microRNAs

Read More o Biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and biotechnology (21.09.2020)
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of pro-regenerative potential of stem cell- derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) in ischemic myocardial injuries: Role of microRNAs

Fizyka (11.09.2020)
Kosmologiczne konsekwencje teorii wykraczających poza Model Standardowy w kontekście astronomii fal grawitacyjnych

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Kosmologiczne konsekwencje teorii wykraczających poza Model Standardowy w kontekście astronomii fal grawitacyjnych

Fizyka (11.09.2020)
Quantum-effect-based Nanosensing and imaging: Novel glass-diamond photonic approach for the next generation biodiagnostic Applications

Read More o Fizyka (11.09.2020)
Quantum-effect-based Nanosensing and imaging: Novel glass-diamond photonic approach for the next generation biodiagnostic Applications