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Completion of education in SDNŚiP

ATTENTION! Very important!

After you upload your thesis to AP system and the Supervisor(s) upload and accept their opinion(s), you lose your doctoral student status.

From this moment on, you are no longer a doctoral student of Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences!


  • you will no longer receive a certificate of doctoral student status (e.g. to extend the right of residence in Poland),
  • you will not obtain the signature of the Director of SDNŚiP as the person who is your "superior" (e.g. on the travel application),
  • if the Jagiellonian University registered you for health insurance (PL and UE/EFTA citizens):
    • if you continue to receive the scholarship - you will be deregistered from the insurance at the end of the month in which you receive the last scholarship (then a 4-month protection period will begin, during which you can continue to use NFZ benefits),
    • if you no longer receive a scholarship and have asked for insurance via THIS FORM, you are obliged to report the end of your education at the doctoral school by e-mail to the following You will be deregistered from the insurance (then a 4-month protection period will begin, during which you can continue to use NFZ benefits),
  • if you are citizen of non-UE/EFTA country and were self-insured with the National Health Fund - you will lose the right to a reduced insurance fee.

In addition:

  • check whether you will be able to continue living in the Doctoral Student House,
  • check on what basis you will be able to use the JU laboratories.

Legal basis:

Article 204, section 1 of the Law on Higher Education:
"A doctoral student's education ends with the submission of a doctoral thesis together with a positive opinion of the supervisor or supervisors."


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Editable templates of documents that should be submitted to the appropriate of the Education Programme:

Documents issued by the Secretariat:

Certificate of completion of education - template for the secretariat


The documents that should be submitted to the appropriate Discipline Council are listed on page 21 of Procedure of proceedings for the conferment of academic degrees at Jagiellonian University. The list contains 11 positions.

Below you can find editable templates of annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 from the document mentioned above. 

  1. Request for initiating the proceeding for the conferment of the academic degree of doktor.
  2. Statement on not conducting parallel proceedings on the basis of the submitted dissertation.
  3.  Statement on previous proceedings based on the submitted dissertation
  4. Statement on the use of AI-powered text generation tools.

Note: To the Council for the Discipline of Earth and Environmental Sciences you should also submit forms that are available on the Council's website.

All documents mentioned in this section must be submitted to the appropriate Discipline Council!

Information about each Council can be found at Research Support Centre website.

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Authorization of UJ to demonstrate academic achievements

In addition, Each doctoral student before completion of education should submit a declatarion which authorizes JU to demonstrate his/her scientific achievements in the evaluation. This will allow these achievements to be taken into account during the evaluation of the quality of UJ's scientific activity in particular scientific disciplines.

Instructions on how to do this can be found on this website.