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Paola Delgado

I am Paola Delgado, PhD student at Jagiellonian University's Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences. My research topic, and fortunately also my passion, is Cosmology. I am simply amazed by the predictions and observations of many properties of our Universe and even more curious about subjects not yet understood, such as dark energy, dark matter and the tensions between observations and the LambdaCDM model. Currently I've been working on a holographic dark energy scenario, where the accelerated expansion of our Universe arises from the holographic principle, and on bouncing cosmologies and their imprints on the Cosmic Microwave Background. I was born in Brazil, where I received my Bachelor and Master degrees in Physics, and also spent two semesters in Russia as an exchange student during my undergraduate degree. In addition to Cosmology, I am also passionate about art, music and languages, especially Russian and, more recently, Polish.