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Quantum information aspects of holography (Project Manager: dr Mario Flory)

Quantum information aspects of holography (Project Manager: dr Mario Flory)

Pursuant to § 7 sections 1 and 3 of Resolution No. 91/IX/2021 of the Senate of the Jagiellonian University of 29 September 2021 on: the rules of recruitment for the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences at the Jagiellonian University in the academic year 2022/2023, the Director of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences announces a competition for 1 doctoral student with a scholarship financed from the research project funds as part of the 4-year PhD programme in Physics.

Within the NCN-funded SONATA BIS project entitled Holographic connections between quantum fields, information, and gravity, a commission set up at the School will conduct recruitment for the PhD study programme Physics.

The project manager, Dr. Mario Flory, offers an opportunity to complete the doctorates in the following area: ”Quantum information aspects of holography”.

After the interviews and the evaluation of the candidates, the Chairman of the committee presents a report to the Director containing a list of candidates recommended for admission to the school as part of the research project.

Project description:

In mathematical physics, the AdS/CFT correspondence is a conjecture according to which certain quantum theories (conformal quantum field theories or short CFTs, called the ”boundary”) can be described in a mathematically equivalent way in terms of theories of gravitation (called the ”bulk”) involving a negative curvature of spacetime (Anti-De Sitter spaces, AdS). This makes it an extremely powerful tool that allows translating questions about one side of the duality into questions about the theory on the other side of the duality, where they may be easier to solve with the available mathematical methods. For example, calculating the amount of quantum entanglement present in a physical system can be quite mathematically demanding, however, AdS/CFT maps this task to a geometrical problem conceptually similar to calculating the shape of a soap bubble in the bulk.
In this PhD project, we will research the importance of concepts from quantum information theory in AdS/CFT. Specifically, we will explore (multipartite) quantum entanglement and what role it plays in the AdS/CFT correspondence and in identifying its range of applicability. Another main focus of this project will be the task of analysing measures for the "complexity" of a given state or operator, where complexity is defined as some notion of distance between a given target state and a simple reference state in the space of states, or between a given operator and the identity operator in a group manifold respectively. This allows the application of methods of differential geometry to problems in quantum information and computation theory. Questions that can be tackled in this project concern the definition and calculation of complexity in strongly coupled quantum field theories, testing which calculations in the bulk correspond to a calculation of complexity on the boundary in AdS/CFT, and how such calculations can shed light on the fundamental mechanisms behind the AdS/CFT correspondence. 

Example literature:

Candidate’s profile:

  • M.Sc. in Theoretical or Mathematical Physics
  • experience in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
  • strong interest (and ideally already experience) in General Relativity, the AdS/CFT correspondence, Quantum Information Theory, and/or numerical computations
  • fluent English in writing and speaking (minimum B2 level)

Schedule of the competition:

  1. Announcement on the School's website: 20.01.2023
  2. Opening of the competition (means: opening admission in the Online Application System): 03.02.2023
  3. Application submission deadline: (means: closing the Online Application System): 06.03.2023
  4. Entrance exams: 13.03-15.03.2023
  5. Announcement of results: 17.03.2023
  6. Enrollment: 20.03.2023 - 20.06.2023
  7. Enrollment (reserve list): 21.06.2023 – 23.06.2023

Recruitment rules for academic year 22/23 are available at this link: Detailed terms and procedures of admission (Physics)

Application documents:

Application documents for academic year 22/23 are available at this link: Required documents (Physics)

In addition, please include a Motivation letter.

Please upload them into the Online Application System

Documents required for entry within PhD study programme are available at this link: Required dokuments (Physics)


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