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Research Support Module: Biomedical Science PhD Programme

Modern biology is very diverse with a plethora of sophisticated techniques that utilize reagents that are specifically designed to support those techniques and come in the form specialized media, labeled reagents, tool compounds, antibodies, fluorescent probes, PCR primers, a multitude of kits and disposable items such as columns to name but a few. To increase the quality of our doctoral student's research projects, they know what they want to do to get better data but are frequently limited by the cost of these essential reagents that result in either not doing the experiment or choosing a cheaper option to get data that is okay but will not reach the threshold to get better publications.

Therefore for the Biomedical Sciences PhD Study Programme Students is requesting to use the ID.UJ Research Support Module money for reagent and disposable item purchases for our doctoral students.

The awards of 13000 PLN will go to up to 10 students that give the strongest rationale for how the reagent money and disposable items can improve their quality of research.

The remaining small portion of the money will be for administrative support to process invoices. 

Regulations for Research Support Module 2022

Form for Research Module Support 2022

Good luck!