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Maksymilian Szymczak

Widok zawartości stron Widok zawartości stron

14.12.2023 | "Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems" – prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg

14 December 2023, 16:30


Experimenters take data, a theorist sees the data, and presto!  A new theory is born!  Usually, there is a lot more going on before a correct theory can be formulated.  But occasionally data reveal  simple mathematical properties that any theory must have in order to agree with the data.  On rare occasions data reveal enough such properties  to define a unique theory, essentially.  I present three examples: sketch how the math was teased out of the data, Occam’s razor applied, and presto!  Theories for (i) the coarsening dynamics of 2D foams, (ii) the nucleation-polymerization kinetics of self-assembling microtubules, and (iii) the stochastic dynamics of cells crawling on a surface in a neutral environment.


Prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg

Henrik Flyvbjerg is a theoretical physicist with a PhD and habilitation from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen.  He spent his career there, at the Danish National Lab RISØ, and at the Technical University of Denmark.  He was a postdoc in CEA-Saclay and visiting professor in Princeton, Cambridge, Jülich, Hong Kong, Stanford, and now J.U.  He was head of the Danish Research Academy’s Graduate School of Biophysics, principal organizer of the 75th Les Houches Summer School, and default editor of biological physics at Physical Review E.  

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