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15.06.2023: Jacek Tabor (Jagiellonian University): "Neural Networks: Past, Present, Future"


The aim of this talk is to present a gentle introduction to deep neural networks, with the particular attention on image processing. We start with a brief description on biological neural networks. Next we proceed to the construction of basic artificial neural networks. We follow with the description of convolutional architecture and style transfer for images. Next we present GAN model and the art generated with its application. Finally, we present the denoising autoencoder and its application to diffusion models, which allows the text-to-image generation. We finish with the short discussion on the future on neural networks.

14.12.2023 | "Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems" – prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg

14.12.2023 | "Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems" – prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg

30.11.2023 | "Organ transplantation − current state and challenges" − prof. dr hab. med. Roman Danielewicz

30.11.2023 | "Organ transplantation − current state and challenges" − prof. dr hab. med. Roman Danielewicz

25.01.2024 | Exploring the Dolphin Mind − Kelly Jaakkola, PhD

25.01.2024 | Exploring the Dolphin Mind − Kelly Jaakkola, PhD

29.02.2024 | High-throughput glycosylation analysis – challenges and perspectives – Irena Trbojević Akmačić, PhD

29.02.2024 | High-throughput glycosylation analysis – challenges and perspectives – Irena Trbojević Akmačić, PhD

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