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Maksymilian Szymczak

Widok zawartości stron Widok zawartości stron

26.11.2020 —Paweł Strzelecki (University of Warsaw): An example of geometric analysis at work: the Poincare Conjecture and Perelman's proof 🎥

I shall present one of the most famous mathematical stories of early 21st century. Between November 2002 and April 2003 Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman, a Russian geometer working in the St. Petersburg section of the Steklov Mathematical Institute has published three preprints, announcing (among other things) the proof of Poincare's Conjecture, a famous problem in topology, which had been open for roughly 100 years. His solution was very surprising and unexpected for the majority of mathematicians: he used the so-called geometric flows and methods of mathematical analysis that did not belong to the standard toolbox of topology. In 2006, he was granted the Fields medal, and in 2010 - a million dollar prize of the Clay Mathematics Institute. He accepted neither of the two. I do believe that his reason to refuse those prizes was his own understanding of the meaning of honesty in science: what it is and how should one go about it.
It is interesting to notice that methods of solving various differential equations similar to those considered by Perelman are used also in some very specific and very concrete applications of mathematics, e.g. to clear photographs from random noise. This can be treated as evidence that the frontier between theoretical and applied mathematics is, in the best case, pretty fluent.


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