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18.05.2023 — Michael Cassidy (University Birmingham, University of Cambridge): “Huge volcanic eruptions: time to prepare”.


Large magnitude eruptions have the potential to have both huge regional impacts close to the volcano and potentially catastrophic impacts on a global scale, such as abrupt cooling of the climate by up to a several degrees. The likelihood of such an eruption 1 in 6 this century, yet despite this fact, the world is ill-prepared for an eruption of this magnitude. The potential consequences of a large eruption will be discussed, along with what could be done to mitigate such an event now and in the future, including volcano geoengineering and the ethics around such activities.

14.12.2023 | "Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems" – prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg

14.12.2023 | "Data-driven modeling of dynamical systems" – prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg

30.11.2023 | "Organ transplantation − current state and challenges" − prof. dr hab. med. Roman Danielewicz

30.11.2023 | "Organ transplantation − current state and challenges" − prof. dr hab. med. Roman Danielewicz

25.01.2024 | Exploring the Dolphin Mind − Kelly Jaakkola, PhD

25.01.2024 | Exploring the Dolphin Mind − Kelly Jaakkola, PhD

29.02.2024 | High-throughput glycosylation analysis – challenges and perspectives – Irena Trbojević Akmačić, PhD

29.02.2024 | High-throughput glycosylation analysis – challenges and perspectives – Irena Trbojević Akmačić, PhD

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