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24.03.2022 — Carla Barroso (EUMETSAT ): Monitoring the Earth from artificial satellites - EUMETSAT perspective

The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), founded in the mid-eighties, continuously provides crucial data to the European National Weather Services and other users around the world. The data from the first satellite operated by EUMETSAT, Meteosat 7, was mainly used by Weather Forecasters to have a synopsis of the atmosphere over Europe and Africa every 30 minutes, taking advantage of its geostationary position over the equator. Currently, EUMETSAT operates a fleet of 11 satellites, flying in Geostationary, Polar and Low Earth orbits. Data from these systems is now essential not only for monitoring and forecasting the weather and for producing timely weather alerts, but also for a wide variety of other applications related to the atmosphere, ocean and land. Such applications will very soon benefit from the new missions currently being prepared by EUMETSAT, i.e., Meteosat Third Generation and Eumetsat Polar System Second Generation.

The seminar's recording will be published soon.

<< Lista konwersatoriów

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