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NAWA STER Mobility Grant

International mobility of Doctoral Students

Support for international mobility of doctoral students from all JU doctoral schools, target destinations being renowned research centres, as indicated by the doctoral student (the funding criteria include:

  1. the nature of the dissertation (degree of internationalisation),

  2. the academic standing of the centre indicated by the doctoral student with regard to the particular field of science and discipline,

  3. the development potential of cooperation with the host centre).

The mobility will be implemented for a 1 month period.

The activity applies to all JU doctoral schools: Doctoral School in the Humanities, in the Social Sciences, of Exact and Natural Sciences, and of Medical and Health Sciences.

Application form with details of the competition you may find here:

The application system starts 25th of January 2022.

The application system ends on the 31st of July 2023 or till the end of available resources for a given school.

Committee Decisions: every last week of the month starting from the last week of February.


  1. Regulations
  2. Contract
  3. GDPR [RODO]


The list of laureates [February '23 round]:

  1. Aleksandra Andrzejowska - Biophysics PhD Programme
  2. Artur Blat - Biomedical Sciences
  3. Alaa Hseiky - PhD in Biology Programme
  4. Konrad Sumara - Physics PhD Programme

​The list of laureates [December round]:

  1. Jakub Banaśkiewicz [Mathematics PhD Programme]

​The list of laureates [September round]:

  1. Mahsa Shahbandeh Vayghan [Earth and Environmental Sciences]

The list of laureates [July round]:

  1. Aditya Narendra - Astronomy PhD Programme
  2. Agnieszka Pawłowska - Physics PhD Programme

The list of laureates [May round]:

  1. Monika Szczepanek - Biophysics PhD Programme
  2. Katarzyna Kłak - Biology PhD Programme (PL)

The list of laureates [March round]:

  1. Fatih Celal Alcicek
  2. Gniewosz Drwięga
  3. Damian Jędrzejowski
  4. Aleksandra Liszka

We wish you fruitful research in foreign institutions!